
Full legal name (Latin characters) : PLATON M.E.P.E.

Country: Greece


Website: www.platon.edu.gr

Email: mail@platon.edu.gr

Background and Experience: Education Division
Platon is a school with future perspective. The school pursues with great interest and a creative mind the developments in the field of education; it constantly sets new goals holding at the same time an outstanding position in the educational scene. Platon schools (Kindergarten – Elementary – Gymnasium – Lyceum) is a modern educational institution with 530 learners and 83 staff. Through the use of the most up-to-date facilities, a diverse curriculum, experienced and skilled teaching staff and, most importantly, through consistency on principles and respect towards pupils and parents, our school has been struggling during the last ten years for the accomplished education of our pupils.
Research and Innovation Department
Through the newly founded Research and Innovation Department the participation of Platon in international programs of design, implementation and assessment of innovative pedagogical methods and materials is pursued. The Centre of Research and Innovation actively involves itself in the design of advanced educational materials, both conventional and electronic. The main aim is the exploitation of state-of-the-art technologies in the education process so as to enhance teaching and learning. The tools developed within the framework of educational programmes are the result of cooperation and joint efforts amongst specialists from a variety of academic fields, with a major focus on information technology, teaching and learning studies. Member of the international consortium of e-learning Changelearning which aims to pioneer new and innovative methods in learning design and delivery  http://www.changelearning.eu/.

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